Trusted by ML researchers and practitioners from all over the world, including OpenAI, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Uber, LinkedIn; universities like Stanford, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, MIT and many other leading institutions.
Machine Learning is Software 2.0. What does it mean to develop software in this new paradigm? What new challenges (and opportunities) does this present? This newsletter brings together the best articles, news and papers about these topics.
This newsletter is curated by Nihit Desai and Rishabh Bhargava. If you have suggestions for what we should be covering in this newsletter, tweet or DM us @mlopsroundup
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Data + Startups
Why is ML in the real world difficult? This newsletter brings together the best articles, news and papers. By @rish_bhargava and @nihit_desai.
Currently @Facebook. Previously ML @Stanford, @LinkedIn